Contents summary
The contents summary provides information about the number of displayed pages for each source (including wrappers, advertisements, music text, blanks, etc.). Images of one or more pages in several sources are not available for reproduction; reference to the missing material is made as appropriate (e.g. 2–1-Sm, 27–1-Sm, 44–1-W&S).
The physical make-up of constituent scores can be discerned from the information accompanying the thumbnails of individual pages, the pagination of which conforms to the system used in ACO. Where the printed pagination begins with ‘1’, any preceding pages without numbering are designated by lower-case roman numerals in square brackets; conversely, where the actual pagination starts with a number other than ‘1’, bracketed arabic numerals up to the first printed page number are assigned to the unnumbered pages before it, with lower-case roman numerals again in square brackets being used for any shortfall. Unnumbered pages at the end are indicated with arabic numerals in square brackets, following on from the last printed page number. As in ACO, covers are separately paginated from [1] to [4]; images of the first two pages appear before the music text, while the third and fourth appear after it (e.g. 64/1–1-BR).