
Orthographical errors[1] on title pages and in caption titles and footlines are particularly abundant in the Chopin first editions; they also arise in certain plate numbers (e.g. 2–1-W, 10/2–0-Sm). Specifying the loca­tion of each error under this field (e.g. 1–1-BRZ, 2–1-W) has allowed us to minimise the use of ‘sic’ within the transcriptions themselves. In contrast, errors within the advertisements described under ‘Copies’ are contextually designated (e.g. 14–1-W, 42–1a-P, HEX–1-CR/M), likewise in Appendix II.[2] Appendix I uti­lises both ‘Errors’ fields and ‘sic’ as necessary.[3]

[1] Some putative errors may reflect alternative spellings which are now archaic; however, we do not treat as errors known alternatives such as mazourka(rather thanmazurka’), polonoise’ (versuspolonaise’) or ‘quintuor’ (for ‘quintette’). Similarly, abbreviations of ‘Messieurswhich diverge from modern usage – i.e. ‘MM’ and ‘M.M.’, as opposed to the current form ‘MM.’ – are not regarded as mistakes, nor the omission of accents in two foreign place names, i.e. ‘St-Petersbourg’ and ‘Odeon’. (Cf. however the accent in ‘Petersbourg’ in the copy classified under 68/4–2-Sam.)

[2] E.g. ASCHER/STAMATY version 6 (Compagnie Musicale E. Gérard et Cie), and LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN’S WERKE version 1 (Breitkopf & Härtel).

[3] Compare the description of version 1 with those of versions 4 & 7 of Breitkopf & Härtel’s STP OEUVRES DE PIANO|DE|FRÉD. CHOPIN.