Sub-caption (SC)

This field refers to text on the left of the first system or staff of either a single composition or one com­prising several movements or independent works. Sub-captions most often consist of both the title and the ordinal number of the piece (e.g. 27–1-Sm, 27–1-B&H, 27–1-W) or just one of these (e.g. 1–1-BRZ, 5–1-BRZ, 21–1-B&H, 25/1-6–1-W, 25/7-12–1-W, 28/1-12–1-C, 28/13-24–1-C, 28–1-B&H, 28/1-14–1-W, 28/15-24–1-W). In many editions SCs also contain tempo indications, metronome marks or the word ‘Piano’; these are described in individual catalogue entries only when modifications were made in successive impressions (e.g. 6–1-W, 6–1h-A&P). 

 In many corrected reprints of the English editions published by Wessel and his successors, the SC in­cludes a decorative element which was added by the engraver during the process of revision. The purpose and significance of this figure (the presence of which is not specified in the catalogue) remain un­certain.